Copyright All rights reserved by Kickball Andrew

Monday, September 6, 2010

Last Day of Summer!

With classes starting at Mt. A tomorrow, I felt the need to do something especially fun for a summer send-off.  I called up 10 Park, and we went off to explore the "Old Bridge" at the end of Bridge Street.  The Old Bridge is really two ends of stone bridge standing at opposite sides of mud flats and a dirty river.

There's also a great view of the train's bridge beside it.

What I wasn't banking on, but turned out to be a blast (albeit a bit dirty) was wading in the mud.  We rolled up our pants and climbed down through the hill of long grasses and reeds to the slippery rust-colored muck.

At one point we were quite literally "stuck in the mud."

Apparently in Sackville there are those who will go as far as swimming in this water...if you can call it that.  When they come out, they are covered head to toe in thick brown slime.  Just walking in it, you could feel your feet being sucked down into the cool, wet clay.  Stepping in an air pocket elicited sounds that can only be described as indecent.  However, after the initial shock and an acceptance of the inevitability of becoming completely filthy, it was absolutely hilarious and so much fun (I say this now after taking a hot shower and placing a load of laundry in the washer)!

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