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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bay of Fundy

This entry is going to be a bit picture heavy - there's just no other way to do it - today's adventure was too beautiful.  This morning Alla, Maggie, and I set out for the Bay of Fundy, bright and early at 7:30 am.  A few wrong turns, retraced steps, two passes past the freaky penitentiary, and one farmer's market later, we made it to the Hopewell Rocks (where the Flower Pot Rocks are located).
Erosion has left large rock formations in seemingly gravity-defying shapes. They look a lot like giant terracotta flower pots with massive trees sprouting out of the top.
Throughout the day we had really strange weather.  One minute it would be windy with chilly rain.  A little while later, the sun would come out and shine, transforming the wet, pebbly beach into a sea of glitter.
See the face?...It reminds me of a Dali painting.
Massive Seaweed Mound
By about 12:30 we had to leave the beach because of changing tides.  We drove on to Alma, a small town of 200 permanent residents situated on the Bay of Fundy's coast.
The Edge of Alma
In Alma we rented kayaks for two hours from Fresh Air Adventure.  All day we had been kidding about how I was going to capsize my kayak and likely drown in the I volunteered to ride in a tandem kayak with our guide, Annie.  Interestingly, she's about a year ahead of me in school and is also studying resource and environment economics, so we were able to have awesome kayak chats. 
Alla and Maggie
We were able to see beautiful views of Alma, cliffs, and the bay.
Unfortunately the wacky weather minute sun and calm waters, the next slanted rain and powerful winds.
All in all, it was a spectacular day.

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